Womens Sleep Tonic (3 oz.)


Organic Ingredients: Ashwagandha powder, Shatavari powder, Turmeric powder, Cinnamon powder, Ginger powder, cardamom powder, ground nutmeg & black pepper

A nourishing and tasteful tonic formula that both builds the system and gently sedates to support a restful and restorative night's sleep.

3 oz. bag

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Good sleep is essential for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Even one night of poor sleep causes daytime sleepiness, trouble with memory and concentration, and impaired performance at school and work. Worse, chronic sleep deprivation increases your risk for injury, accidents, and illness. Hormonal changes associated with menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause can alter a woman’s circadian rhythm and consequently contribute to sleeplessness.

Women's Sleep Tonic was formulated using classical Ayurvedic herbs to aid in winding down at night and gently sedate the body and mind to allow for a restorative night’s rest. Research has found that ashwagandha may help people fall asleep faster, spend more time asleep, and experience better sleep quality. Shatavari is ojas-building with a particular affinity to nourish the female reproductive system. Ginger and turmeric both help to alleviate pain and inflammation, and nutmeg acts as a sedative.

How to use

Add to your evening ritual – Make a warm ojas-building tonic with this recipe 1 cup milk of choice, 1 tsp of Women's Sleep Tonic, 1/2 teaspoon ghee and 1 tsp raw local honey (optional).

1. Simmer milk in a small saucepan over a medium-low heat
2. Then whisk in 1 teaspoon Women's Sleep Tonic
3. Whisk vigorously to avoid any clumps
4. Add the ghee, reduce heat to low, and continue to cook until warm for (the gently cooking helps bring out the medicinal qualities)
5. Remove from the heat and allow it to cool a bit
6. Stir in the honey (Note: don’t cook with honey, as it looses it’s medicinal properties)
7. Pour into a mug, drink it warm, go to bed and allow the wisdom of herbs to soothe you to rest.